'A thousand-miles journey begins with the first step'
Lizzie is passionate and experienced in teaching Chinese language to students with a wide range of backgrounds privately as well as in school and corporate environments. She is proficient in using digital tools to create interactive and engaging learning lessons.
Teacher information
Education Background
Master of Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Diploma of Education (PGDE), Education University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Shaoxing University
Mandarin Certificate
Chinese National Mandarin Level 2A
Korean Language Proficiency I
Teaching Experience
With over 10 years of teaching in Hong Kong, Lizzie is able to plan and deliver explicit and quality lessons to students in both native and non-native streams. Before relocating to Australia, Lizzie worked in an international school in Hong Kong where she strived to create positive and productive learning opportunities for students with diverse language backgrounds. Other than teaching in schools, Lizzie’s experience in corporate training to adults on Mandarin skills allowed her to have built trust relationships with company clients including finance and banking, energy, airlines and hospitality, etc. She has always been keeping up her professional skills by exploring enriching teaching approaches with digital technology to boost learners’ learning motivation.